for the connection/bonding. ** We travel ,we move , we meet and we connect with people, places, animals , birds...nature........and so on...!So happy weekend and happy connecting.
** Got to photograph a "Lifestyle Home store"....and hope to see my pics on page 3..... :) ,everybody in office is pulling my leg and there is just a general happiness floating around.
** Before I landed this "plum" unpaid assignment -I also made this startling discovery that- I can cut 1000 stems of tuberoses and fill them in partybucket ( 20 min flat) move furniture which is back breaking ...phew....but good ... ..... !~! And lastly I think under stress -performance is excellent ;)
(Pic taken at Golden Temple -Amritsar) For Faith......!! ** There has been times, when I have wandered aimlessly,trying to figure out and not able to. However I knew that things will work out . It has to. And actually it happened. Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.--Rabindranath Tagore
......for Roses...... ( all fav is Pink)
** For a long time I ignored this flower......( as I never got it.....!!!!) anyways...I am now appreciating this flower. Though have to admit Merisi Roses are much beautiful then mine...*hrmmmmp*.... !!