*** Till midnight we were trying to call all our contacts ( we have huge contact base due to our work) and trying to check if they and theirs were all ok. We were fortunate to get reassuring news. And our hearts went for those who were not that fortunate.
*** Thanks "Lil Indian" for your concern- I am ok ( bit in shock though). This week I was not scheduled to go to Jaipur. Thx Again.
Its extremely sad to hear about this tragedy ..we live in a terrible world
Good to hear all fine with you BTR.
Very sad indeed....I think something needs to be done, before we get used to such events.
Thanks Lakshmi , partly I agree that yes many terrible things are happening , however world is not that bad. There is hope ...always!!
Thanks Indicaspecies -yes I think I was fortunate and was not travelling that particular day.
Ajeya -Yeah -however what is the ???
Just an update we are getting some help arranged for the people. (Like arranging some care packages made for some of the families) its not much...atleast something ...!
Hello, Rulesbender! :-)
It was so nice to see you again,
thank you for your kind comment on my blog!
We will all earnestly & deeply hope peace prevails in the pink city as also in any part of the world...i agree the world is not that bad, but only a few individuals who for their typical hedonistic pleasures hold the entire world to ransom....stay well & safe!
It is much difficult to do such attakcs in the west than here. So, i think there hides an answer somewhere in between.
I would like to help. Can you write to me on more details of the support to ajeyar@yahoo.com
I mean wat kind of humans terrorists are..! are they humans at all...
it's all so tragic and beyond words... :(
Merisi - I sent you email as well.....!!
Flying Star - Thanks !!
Ajeya - will respond to you in email !! Thanks for your patience !!
WildFlower -I agree, its sad!!
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